How I nailed my calculus exam

During my freshman year at uni, I had a “Calculus” course. 

This course was known to be quite complicated by a large number of students from several disciplines. 

That got me a bit scared so I started thinking of ways to face this subject. 

After a bit of thinking I came up with a strategy that made me successfully overcome the difficulties of the course and nail all the exams. 

Calculus was like a regular course in the sense of having lectures every week, a midterm and a final exam. However, this course was more practical than most of the other courses. 

That was, in my opinion, the crucial factor. 

In order to take this into account while studying I did the following (highly recommended): 

I printed out all the practice exams out there from past years for the midterm and the final exam. 

I took several A4 sheets. 

I started doing every single exercise in those exams, in order, one by one, for the midterm. 

Once I solved them, I would add them to the A4 sheets. 

Once I did all of them I could use the sheets with all the solutions to revise, and make all the exercises all over again. 

That way once I had to do the midterm. I was familiar with every type of problem and I could perfectly solve all of them.

For the final exam I did the same thing. 

Thanks to this strategy I ended up with the grade I wanted.